Friday, September 13, 2019

Technology of Management in Organization Assignment

Technology of Management in Organization - Assignment Example The researcher of this essay analyzes and presents the importance of technology, that has risen in such leaps and bounds that organizations develop various management procedures and guidelines for the best implementation of the technology and to gain the utmost benefit of it. Change in organization today is evident. On the context of the technological change mainly there are two primary sources associated with such changes, the internal sources and the external sources. Owing to the amount of change in organizations, it is necessary for the organizations to possess a good mentor who can effectively guide the employees. Any good mentor in an organization should posses various characteristics like their willingness to share the skills, their knowledge and their expertise. The growing importance of technology in an organization has resulted in providing much importance to the technical workers. As the functioning of any organizations is almost impossible without the presence of technica l workers much emphasis is being given by the management in devising strategies to motivate and reward them. Motivation affects the morale of the employees and has a huge contribution in creating a positive work environment and it indulges an added responsibility on the employees to be concerned about the success of the organization. Knowledge management has evolved as one of the efficient tools for the increase of productivity in an organization and helps to develop the intellectual capital within an organization.

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